None of these recordings have yet been processed. They are here on this page to let people know that the recordings exist. The page is not in the sites menu so it is ‘semi-hidden’ for the present.
Audio file: Bob Zentz – Ramblin’ Conrad
This recording of Bob Zentz was made at the Dumfries Folk Club, Scotland, in 1978. This song is part of a longer sequence where Bob tells us about Ramblin’ Conrad. I think this was Bob’s first visit to play folk clubs in Scotland and I also think that he played the Irvine Marymass Folk Festival during this visit. (I’m currently researching that.) The chorus singing at Dumfries Folk Club was always good.
Audio file: Bob Zentz – Robin No More
This recording of Bob Zentz was made at the Dumfries Folk Club, Scotland, in 1978. The chorus singing at Dumfries Folk Club was always good. I think I can hear Heather Heywood’s voice in the background.
Audio file: Billy Henderson – Jennifer Gentle
When listening to a recording of Bob Zentz made at the Dumfries Folk Club in 1978, this song by club resident Billy Henderson popped out.
Audio file: Ray Fisher – Prickly Bush
This is from a recording of Ray Fisher and Colin Ross made at the Dumfries Folk Club.
Audio file: Heather Heywood – Unicorns (by Bill Caddick)
This is from a recording at Kilmarnock Folk Club in 1987. The tape is quite poor (and has not been cleaned yet) but this is a song which Heather didn’t sing that often and I know that quite a few people liked it.
Audio file: Bob Zentz – Ramblin’ Conrad
This recording of Bob Zentz was made at the Dumfries Folk Club, Scotland, in 1978. This is the full sequence where Bob tells us about Ramblin’ Conrad.